I’ve just finished to read this post of the blog digital natives.
This student think the reputation management should begin early and I share the same point of view. She gives 2 advices :
1)Avoid using your full name on the Internet at all costs, at least until you’re in college.
It sounds logical except if someone else use the name of a teen in a bad way.
2) Once you’re ready, become the source.
This advice is not only for teen but for all. You can find other advices and solutions to put a self management reputation on this post.
Now the culture of information and the information literacy must include personal branding or personal intelligence. Information retrieval is not enough. Sam Jackson add on his blog an interesting coment :
« I see evidence for a LOT of kids and teens needing more education when it comes to dealing with reputation online–even if it’s just with Facebook. That’s because things can sometimes appear very blurry about what is private or what is not. «
Catégorie : Baker street (english posts)
New AASL standards for 21st century learner
After the famous AASL Information Literacy standards for students, now the standards for the 21st-century learners.
There are now only four main standards :
- Learners use skills, resources, and tools to inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge.
- Learners use skills, resources, and tools to draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge.
- Learners use skills, resources, and tools to share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society.
- Learners use skills, resources, and tools to pursue personal and aesthetic growth.
The choice of 4 standars is a better strategy because the old 9 standards was too difficult to remember (like a BIG4). The standards are better user-centered and less procedural but there are a lot of skills under the 4 standards. Nevertheless we can feel the influence of research in information literacy and the web 2.0’s mutations.
I like a lot the first sentence :
Reading is a window o the world. Reading is a foundational skill for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. The degree to which students can read and understand text in all formats (e.g., picture, video, print) and all contexts is a key indicator of success in school and in life. As a lifelong learning skill, reading goes beyond decoding and comprehension to interpretation and development of new understandings.
Reading in a wider vision near of Yves Jeanneret’s concept is the key in the life-long learning perspective.
Thanks to the blog of scool library media for the news.
The student’s resistance to Information Literacy
I found this post of Tim Fiennes by reading the blog of the famous Sheila Webber about Information Literacy.
Tim is student and tries to explain why students are often resistant about learning skills.
They are not so progressive and they don’t like to change their habits. They like to work when they found some fun and immediate needs. Or Information Literacy want to give them life long learning skills. But they don’t understand this.
Tim adds that skills are often considered less significant than knowledge and students are overrated their real abilities.
That’s why I think, we must work to promote a real curriculum in Information Literacy with concepts and knowledge. Skills are not enough if we want to create a new liberal art.